
Couples’s league

Fun, easy-going, and no-experience needed league.

Join An Axe Throwing League

Join a 1v1 or 2v2 axe throwing league near you for some friendly competition – no AXEperience needed!

Now Open

Couple’s League Registration is Now open!

About Our Leagues


  • 4-week regular season, every Wednesday from 7p-9p.
  • Play (4) matches per week (up to 1.5 hours of gameplay each week)

Axe Throwing League Times:

  • Practice session/Open Throw every week before the league starts from 6:30-7:00 pm
  • League play begins at 7 pm and ends at 9 pm (ish)

League Pricing:

  • Price (Per Person) for Season:
    • Standard League (Singles): $40
    • Dual League (Team of Two): $40 (per team member)
  • Purchase your own axe: $45 + tax* (axes are provided free of charge. You are NOT required to purchase an axe)
  • Payment: league fees + taxes  (fees due by the start of week 1)


  • (1) free 1-hour individual walk-in sessions every week during the season (separate visits – valid Wed., Thurs., & Sun.)
  • The high scorers for singles and doubles will receive a league trophy


    A.) Sportsmanship: UP YOUR AXE, LLC (“A&T”) is dedicated to provide a safe and fun sporting environment. All participants should keep this in mind when becoming involved. Although the games may become intense, you still can be competitive while maintaining good sportsmanship. Any behavior deemed unacceptable by the B&T staff may result in suspension and/or ejection from a game or the league. Each game will have at least 1 paid official. Abuse of officials, referees, opposing players and other UP YOUR AXE staff will not be tolerated. UP YOUR AXE will not tolerate fighting! Fighting will be an automatic ejection from any game and in most cases ejection from the league for the remainder of the season. Any behavior deemed unacceptable by UP YOUR AXE staff may result in a game suspension and/or ejection from the league. Alcohol is not allowed on the throwing lanes and any participants with alcohol in undesignated areas will be required to leave.
        1.) If a player touches another player physically, inappropriately or with intent to harm, despite who may be “right or wrong”, they will be immediately ejected from the game.
                a.) On their second offense they will be removed from the season with no refund.
                b.) On a third offense they will be removed from the season with no refund and banned from the league.
        2.) Remember, this is for fun. No one is going to become a professional by playing in our leagues. Anyone exuding douchebaggery, rudeness or overwhelming ignorance will be ejected and possibly removed from the league as these actions eliminate fun for everyone else.

    A.) Field of Play

        1.) Throwing lanes at Up Your Axe.

    B.) Equipment

        1.) Up Your Axe will provide all equipment necessary for the league.

    C.) Teams/Substitutions
        1.) Each team consists of 2 players (Can be 2 male, 2 female or 1 male and 1 female).
        2.) Must have at least 1 player to play.
                a.) If you absolutely cannot find a sub, we will allow 1 player throw for both players during a game.

        3.) Must finish the game with the players that started the game.

    D.) Game Duration
        1.) The match will consist of 5 games.
    E.) The Start of Play
        1.) Team Captains will both throw 1 axe at the bullseye to determine which game is played first.
        2.) Player closest to a bullseye chooses which team throws first.
        3.) If both hit a bullseye, the other players of the team then throw to determine which game is played first.
    F.) Play
        1.) Players rotate throwing from each team.
                a.) Example Throwing Order:
                        i.) Team 1, Player 1 throws
                        ii.) Team 2, Player 1 throws
                        iii.) Team 1, Player 2 throws
                        iv.) Team 2, Player 2 throws
        2.) Throwing order must stay the same through the entire game.

        3.) Throwing order can change before each game, if desired.

    G.) Games
        1.) Games will consist of 10 throws per person. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

        2.) If the game is tied at the end of 10 throws, an 11th turn is taken.

    H.) Points

        1.) The black line awards points associated with the ring.
        2.) 6 points for the bullseye.
        3.) 4 points for the 2nd ring.
        4.) 3 points for the 3rd ring.
        5.) 2 points for the 4th ring.
        6.) 1 point for the 5th ring.
        7.) 10 points for the blue.

                a.) This is only valid during the 10th round of the game.

   I.) Technicalities
        1.) Touching the line: If the axe is in 2 rings simultaneously, then the player is awarded the points for the higher valued ring.
        2.) Stick and Stay Policy: The axe must remain in the target for the throw to receive points.
                a.) If the axe falls out before the axe is retrieved, the throw will be counted as 0 points.

        3.) Oddball Throws: On the rare occasion that the axe sticks to the target with the back of the blade, the shaft of the axe or any other part of the axe, the throw still counts and points are awarded accordingly.

   J.) Axe Throwing Technique
        1.) All players will be taught proper axe throwing technique by a certified Up Your Axe Coach during the first week of leagues. Any late addition or substitute players will go through similar coaching when first arriving.
        2.) A player may choose to use a 1 handed throw or a 2 handed throw. All throws must follow the proper technique demonstrated by the  Up Your Axe Coach.

        3.) The axe must make approximately 1 rotation in order for it to count.

   K.) Axe Throwing Distance
        1.) Players will throw from the marked area, 12‐15 feet away from the targets.
        2.) Players must have their lead foot in the marked area when throwing the axe.

                a.) The back foot may be outside the area.

   A.) Rainouts/Snowouts
        1.) One week is built into to the end of each season.
        2.) If more than one rainout/snowout occurs B&T will try to find another week if possible but is not guaranteed.

        3.) Should inclement weather or other factors limit normal scheduled game duration and more than half the game has been played, the game shall count as the full game.

   B.) Forfeits
        1.) Teams have until 10 minutes past the designated start time to present the minimum player requirement
                a.) If a team doesn’t show in time, a win will be recorded to the present team with a score of 4 to 0.
        2.) If both teams agree to play without the minimum or more than maximum required, UP YOUR AXE Official must be made aware.
        3.) UP YOUR AXE Officials will make every effort to complete a forfeited game with a mixed set of remaining players.
        4.) If your team is going to forfeit a game, email us at info@upyouraxe.bar to help us schedule your opponent a game. Your team will still receive the loss and a forfeit.
                a.) First Offense ‐ Loss of game and warning issued
                b.) Second Offense ‐ Loss of game and KCC reserves the right to remove team from playoffs

                c.) Final offense is loss of game and removal from the league with no refund

   A.) Structure
        1.) The end of season tournament is the last week of the league. Each team is seeded based on their season record and will play the appropriate seed. Example: 1 vs 8, 3 vs 6, 4 vs 5, 2 vs 7, etc.
        2.) Games are played as described above.
   B.) Players
        1.) Rosters will be checked at the beginning of games and teams cannot have more than 30% subs on their roster.
                a.) Sports with 2 people are excluded and can only have 1 sub.
        2.) Players are only allowed to play on one team during the tournament unless they payed to play on two teams during the regular season, then they may play on both teams during the tournament.
                a.) If your teams play each other, you must choose which team you want to play on for that game.
        3.) If a team is short a player and has a sub, this must be approved by B&T prior to the start of the tournament.
                a.) If a team asks a player from another team to sub, it must be approved by UP YOUR AXE.


If you have questions about how leagues work, you can visit our FAQ’s here. Please contact us via chat or phone if you have further questions about our axe throwing leagues.


Standard League: $40 | Dual League (Team of Two): $40 (per team member)


SEASON: February 7th – 28th, April 3rd – 24th, June 5th – 26th, August 7th – 28th, October 2nd – 30th


7:00pm – 9:00pm (Practice starts at 6:30p)



21 East Central Ave. Suite 102
Minot, ND 58701
(701) 721-0001

League FAQ’s

  • Men’s Up Your Axe Leagues are recreational axe throwing leagues that are open toMen  who are looking to participate in something truly axe-cellent! Members play once a week for 4 weeks. It is meant to be fun, with no experience needed.
  • We run leagues by season (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall), so be sure to subscribe to our email or text lists and check our social media accounts to stay updated about leagues!
  • Go to leagues page
  • Click the SIGN UP button for your nearest location
  • Fill out the registration form & pay for your spot
  • If you’re creating a new team, you’ll need your team mate to also complete the registration form and pay for their spot
  • Charging per player (the way we do it)
    • Each player only pays for themself
    • Allows us to collect every player’s contact information, so we can notify everyone when there are rainouts or changes. This way, it is not the team captain’s sole responsibility to pass information along
    • Helps keep each player accountable to attend their scheduled game each week
  • Charging per team (not the way we do it)
    • Leaves the financial burden entirely on one person, the team captain
    • Makes it difficult to get the proper shirts & sizes to the right players/teams
  • A Sub is a player who can’t commit to playing every week but would like to be invited on an as-needed basis
  • Subs are allowed to play for free. If they are going to play on your team more than twice per season, they need to be invited to your roster and paid through the system

Yes – we can allow up to 6 people per League Lane, though seating may not be available for everyone.

Please contact us directly for specific questions.

  • Since axe throwing is an indoor activity, we don’t anticipate needing to cancel very often. With that said, we are constantly monitoring the weather and road conditions to ensure the safety of all our members
  • We will ALWAYS email participants if we need to cancel for any reason. If you don’t hear from us, leagues are on!
  • There are no make-up weeks built into the season during Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall leagues. If one is needed, due to a severe weather cancellation, teams will be notified, and the tournament will be pushed back one week.